Industry Invited Talk


Dr. Yan Zhou

Createlink Technology, China


The Appliations of Native Distributed Graph Database-Galaxybase in the Financial Industry


Graph databases have the ability to execute queries more efficiently in connected data analysis, and Galaxybase native distributed graph database is one of the leaders. In this talk, Dr. Yan Zhou will introduce the classification and development trend of graph databases, share the architecture design of Galaxybase and its advantages in storage, distribution, algorithm, visualization, performance and other aspects, and introduce the in-depth application of Galaxybase in financial industry with credit card application anti-fraud scenario as an example.


Dr. Zhou is a technical expert in the field of distributed data processing,  an expert in the field of graph database and graph computing, and the head of Galaxybase development. He has nearly ten years of experience in large-scale project development and management, as well as being an Apache open source project contributor. He has a bachelor's degree in computer science from Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University and a doctorate in computer science from Zhejiang University.



Dr. Dawei Xu

TechFantasy, China


Embracing connectedness: An introduction to OggDB


The openGauss graph database is compatible with the two data models of RDF and property graph, and supports the unified storage scheme and query processing method of SPARQL and Cypher query languages. The talk will start with the overall architecture and performance indicators of OGGDB, introduce the functions of the database, and look forward to the future development route.


Bachelor of Tianjin University, double degree master of Tianjin University and JAIST, During his studies in Japan, he worked as a researcher at the Horiyama Laboratory of Saitama University, Japan, and was later promoted to a research assistant at the Uehara Laboratory of Hokuriku Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Returned to China and join TechFantasy after graduating with a Ph.D. in 2017. His main research direction is knowledge graph and natural language processing.