Call for Tutorials

CFP poster

Important Dates

Proposal Submission Due: December 07, 2022 January 15, 2023 
Acceptance Notification: December 28, 2022 January 18, 2023 

*All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time

The goal of the DASFAA 2023 tutorial track is to offer the conference attendees an introduction to the state-of-the-art topics in research, development and applications in database technologies and advanced data management, processing and analysis systems. We invite tutorial proposals from active researchers, engineers, and practitioners on topics (such as big data etc.) of potential interest to the attendees of the main conference. We note that a tutorial should not only focus on the presenters' previous work, but also present a good review of all significant work in the area of the topic. Each tutorial will have a length of 1.5 hours.

Instructions for Submission

Tutorial proposals should be handled electronically, in PDF format (Max 4 pages, LNCS style), through the CMT system by January 15, 2023 (23:59 Any Where on Earth (AoE) Time). Each tutorial proposal should include the following information:

  • Tutorial title

  • Contact information of the presenters: names, affiliations, addresses, and email addresses

  • Motivation for the tutorial

  • Brief outline of the tutorial content

  • Whether the tutorial was presented elsewhere in the past (and if so) what was the attendance

  • Significant references of the tutorial

  • Short biographies of the presenters

The received tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the organizers based on the importance of the topic of the proposal and the balance of coverage and depth of contents. Acceptance notifications will be sent by January 18, 2023. Tutorials will be presented during the main DASFAA-2023 conference as parallel sessions. The tutorial slides will be made available on the conference website. The conference registration fee will be waived for tutorial speakers. An honorarium will also be paid for the tutorial presenter(s). The topics of accepted tutorials and the names of the presenters will be included in the conference proceedings.

Tutorial Chairs

  • Jianxin Li, Deakin University, Australia

  • Herodotos Herodotou, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus