Call for PhD Consortium Papers

CFP poster

Important Dates

Submission Due: December 16, 2022 January 27, 2023
Acceptance Notification: January 15, 2023 February 14, 2023 
Camera-Ready version due: TBA

*All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time

The DASFAA PhD Consortium provides a platform for PhD students to present their PhD proposals and to seek comments and suggestions from the PhD Consortium Committee, which consists of leading scientists and experts in the DASFAA related areas. The PhD students should be in the phase of preparing or completing their PhD thesis proposals (or similar equivalent phase in the PhD program) at their home universities. All the submitted proposals will be reviewed by the committee. The accepted proposals will be included in the conference proceedings, and the corresponding authors will be invited to attend the consortium and interact directly with the committee members at DASFAA 2023.

Submission Guidelines

Interested PhD students should submit a four-page proposal describing their PhD research plan and progress using the Springer Lecture Notes format ( The proposal should follow the same outline, details, and format as regular DASFAA papers. A proposal must be written in English and include:

  • The title of the PhD proposal and the author name

  • The problem definitions, motivations, and novelties

  • The current development and related work

  • Your proposed approach and methodology, and the significance

  • The current results and future work of your research

The proposal should be submitted as a PDF file. DASFAA 2023 uses the CMT system for paper submission. Please submit your paper via the link:

Review Process

The submitted PhD proposals will be evaluated based on several factors:

  • The novelty of the problems

  • The clear understanding of the current development in the related areas

  • The significance of the proposed methodology

  • The significance of your contribution

All accepted proposals are required to be presented at the conference.

Ph.D Consortium Chairs

  • Leong Hou U, University of Macau, Macau

  • Panagiotis Karras, Aarhus University, Denmark