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天津大学 智能与计算学部 电子信息 硕士研究生


通讯地址:天津市津南区海河教育园区雅观路135号 天津大学 北洋园校区 智能与计算学部






2021年9月至今 天津大学智能与计算学部硕士研究生在读


  1. Wang C, Wang X, Li Z, et al. HyConvE: A Novel Embedding Model for Knowledge Hypergraph Link Prediction with Convolutional Neural Networks[C]. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023. 2023: 188-198. (CCF A 类国际会议)
  2. Wang C, Li Z, Wang X, et al. EnhancE: Enhanced Entity and Relation Embedding for Knowledge Hypergraph Link Prediction[C]. Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023. 2023: 115-118. (CCF B类国际会议长文 poster)
  3. Wang C, Li Z, Wang X, et al. HJE: HJE: A Novel Knowledge Hypergraph Representation Learning Model Using Joint Convolutional Networks[J]. IEEE transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2023. (CCF A类国际期刊长文 大修)
  4. Chen Z, Wang X, Wang C, Li J. Explainable Link Prediction in Knowledge Hypergraphs[C]. In Proceedings of the 31th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2022. (CCF B类国际会议长文)
  5. Chen Z, Wang X, Wang C. POSE: A Positional Embedding Model for Knowledge Hypergraph Link Prediction[C]. In Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) Joint International Conference on Web and Big Data, 2022. (CCF C类国际会议 best paper)
  6. 陈子睿, 王鑫, 王晨旭, 张少伟, 闫浩宇. 面向时间感知的知识超图链接预测[J]. 软件学报, 2022. (CCF A类中文期刊)