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报告题目:Querying Geo-Textual Data Using Keywords and User Location.

报告人:Christian Jensen, Aalborg University.

报告纪实: Christian Jensen教授.jpeg

APWeb-WAIM 2020 国际会议 (2020.9.18 - 2020.9.20)

报告题目:The tragedy of the (Data) Commons.

报告人:James Hendler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Abstract: The tragedy of the commons, first proposed by William Lloyd in 1833, is an economic problem in which every individual has an incentive to consume a resource at the expense of every other individual with no way to exclude anyone from consuming. It results in overconsumption, under investment, and ultimately depletion of the resource. While the direct application of these principles to data seems like a bit of a reach, it becomes clear that data sharing risks much of the same problem - people wishing to protect their own data while having access to other people’s. Motivation for sharing is thus weak, until incentives and policies are in place. However, now that these incentives and policies are coming into practice, the implementation will have high impact on the benefits. Thus, as we work to make the world a FAIRer place, we must consider how the way data, and especially metadata, is represented and shared.

报告纪实: Apweb keynote 1.png

报告题目:The tragedy of the (Data) Commons.

报告人:Xuemin Lin, The University of New South Wales

Abstract: With the emergence of large-scale networks, the study of network structural stability has recently received a great deal of attention in different areas such as social networks, the world wide web, and biology. The stability of a network indicates the ability of the network to maintain an acceptable level of service and/or to defend the attacks from the competitors. In this talk, we first introduce the stability models in different domains, their applications, and unique challenges that need to be addressed. We focus on three fundamental problems: (a) efficiently computing the stability of a given network, (b) motivating critical nodes and edges to enhance the network stability, and (c) defending critical nodes and edges against the attacks to network stability. Due to the fast evolvement of real-life networks, we also discuss the stability problems and their computation on dynamic graphs. We will explore the nature and lay the scientific foundation of these problems. Subsequently, we introduce novel computing paradigms and algorithms, indexing techniques, batch processing techniques, and distributed solutions. Finally, we discuss the future research directions in this important and growing research area.

报告纪实: Apweb keynote 2.png

报告题目:Distributed Graph Processing Systems.

报告人:Yanfeng Zhang, Northeastern University

Abstract: During the past 10 years, there has been a surging interest in developing distributed graph processing systems. This tutorial provides a comprehensive review of existing distributed graph processing systems. We firstly review the programming models for distributed graph processing and then summarize the common optimization techniques for improving graph execution performance, including graph partitioning methods, communication mechanisms, parallel processing models, hardware-specific optimizations, and incremental graph processing. We also present an emerging hot topic, distributed Graph Neural Networks (GNN) frameworks, and review recent progress on this topic.

报告纪实: Apweb tutorial 2.png


报告人 报告题目 出处 时间 Link
陈子睿 Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs NIPS-2017 2021.12.13
张少伟 Inductive representation learning on temporal graphs ICLR-2020 2022.1.6
曹舒珊 RDF graph summarization for first-sight structure discovery VLDB-2020 2022.3.4
宋妍妍 Time- and Space-Efficient Regular Path Queries on Graphs ICDE-2022 2022.4.1 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/42nxB6Sp_9u1dTVFxrXCvQ
柳鹏凯 Adaptive Low-level Storage of Very Large Knowledge Graphs WWW-2020 2020.4.17 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/42nxB6Sp_9u1dTVFxrXCvQ
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