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According to Richard Bayan, author of "Words That Sell," the most effective words to use in a title are (in order of effectiveness): You, Your, How, New, Who, Money, Now, People, Want and Why. Check classified ads to see what other words might prove to be effective in creating a desire for your report.

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One business feels integrated. It feels like a "big" business even though it is still only a fledgling. The other feels ad hoc. It feels as if the business owners cobbled together their business on a shoestring and at any moment it may close its doors.

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Be sure to have at least two people on the financial team. Be sure to document each procedure in writing. This way you are imposing structure, accountability...and a system of checks and balances. You will protect your assets, and keep your company safe from embezzlers. And, you will keep your financial team safe from suspicion.

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You do want to take your time to choose the type of free billing software you decide to use. Be aware of the site you are getting it from. Most of them are very reliable but others can prove to be more trouble than they are worth. You also want to explore the navigation of these free programs. It should flow in a manner that is easy to follow and allows the work to be completed efficiently in a small amount of time.